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Innovative Global Mobility IT Solutions: Focus on Expateo

This is the first interview in our IT series where we present some of the most innovative tools available for the management of your international assignees.

For this first interview, Didier Hoff, Head of our Center of Excellence sat down with Claire Pinatel, CEO an Co-founder of Expateo.

1) In a few words, describe what would be the benefit of your offer ?

EXPATEO designs and builds smart, cloud based solutions, to help manage the most important resource of any company: the people. The goal of our SAAS solution is to make global mobility management more efficient while delivering the best environment for moving talents.

We have developed an HR Interface that allows HR teams to follow precisely and take action on tasks they have to accomplish. Furthermore, our tool provides a global and detailed monitoring of each mobility, especially their progress and cost. Processes are therefore made easier for everyone involved, enhancing the experience of global mobility.

For a better employee experience with global mobility, we have developed the first Digital Mobility Assistant. It is tailored for each employee’s situation, destination, profile and answers all their mobility related questions. It gives them access to a fully customized checklist, listing all the formalities they have to accomplish and centralize all the documents and information they need. The assistant is also connected to mobility vendors in order to offer employees help throughout their journey.

Our solutions can work both autonomously, and jointly for an improved management of any international team.

Our goal :

- Ensure compliance and facilitate all mobility processes

- A better support for employees

- A better control of formalities and costs

- A better monitoring and data reporting

- Provide an user friendly experience with global mobility

To sum up, we offer usage innovation to global mobility teams with dedicated global mobility tools, 100% customizable to their structure. That way, they can enjoy much needed flexibility in their daily tasks.

2) What companies are best suited for using your tool ?

1 / Major international companies which manage large volumes of employees in mobility (including short missions), for which we have developed a workflow tool customizable to the rules and the Global Mobility policy of the company.

2 / SMEs which manage smaller volumes (from 15 mobilities per year), but do not have the in-house expertise. We have developed a specific solution with an integrated optimized process for a secure and efficient management of their employees mobility.

3) How does the price structure work?

There is a fixed implementation cost on one hand and a monthly subscription based on the number of employees on the other hand.

4) Who are your main competitors and how do you differentiate from them ?

Our solution differentiates from our competitors by the combination of 4 factors =

-100% customizable to company processes

-Advanced ergonomics for an optimal user experience

-An ultra personalized journey for the employee in mobility

-A very fast implementation (immediate for the pre-parameterized version or 4/10 weeks for the configurable version)

5) Is there any other point you would like to share ?

EXPATEO is a young company emerging on the Global Mobility market. We already work with large companies (including in the defense industry) and meet their security & GDPR requirements. We have also developed a specific solution to SMEs to secure and optimize their Global Mobility management in an accessible and very attractive offer. Want to know more ? Ask for a demo!

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